Plank Road to Charlotte
Rochester Republican, March 22, 1849

A company has been recently organized in this city, for the purpose of building a plank road from Rochester to Charlotte. We understand the stock is all taken, and the officers elected. John Williams, Esq., of this city is President, and Joshua Eaton, of Sachetts Harbor. Secretary.

This Road will be six miles long, and is to be constructed immediately. We learn that the contract has already been made, and that the road will be completed by the 15th of June. The present road is, during a portion of the year, almost impassible. When the plank road is completed, it will increase considerably the travel between the city and the mouth of the River, and we hope the stockholders will find they have made a profitable investment of their money.

Rochester and Charlotte Plank Road
Rochester Daily Democrat, September 29 1849

The plank road from the city line, near the upper termination of Buell Avenue, to Charlotte, at the Mouth of the Genesee river, is now about completed, and will in a few days be submitted to the commissioners for examination. We had the pleasure of a drive over this new avenue on Thursday last, and take peculiar pleasure in calling public attention to the merits of an enterprise of no slight importance, considering the advantage the city is to derive from the new facilities which it affords for trade, and the delightful route which it presents for a drive on a pleasant day. The plank road is five miles in length, for the most part upon a level track. The two hills below Hanford's Landing, which were the worst obstruction on the road, have been graded so as to relieve the ascent and descent very materially.- The track is laid upon a bed of sand, below which a stratum of hard clay, and the whole structure is substantially and completely built. At the Charlotte termination, a very handsome public house has been erected, under the direction of a portion of the plank road company. This is an edifice in the Gothic and Swiss style of architecture, and one of the handsomest public houses, both as regards exterior appearance and interior arrangement and furnishings, that can be found in such a location. It is called the "Lake House." and is situated on the highest point of the bank, as you ascend from the river or lakeshore; it has piazzas all about it, and is surrounded by nicely graded walks and shade trees. From an observatory on the roof you have an enchanting view of Lake Ontario, which extends ou????heet of blue waters from beneath your feet into the "dim distance." and on every other side, pleasant landscapes are spread out before you. Another year, the side banks leading to the lake shore, will be graded and ornamented; it is also intended by the Company to build bathing houses upon the beach, so that gentlemen and ladies can enjoy the luxury of a swimming bath in the cool waters of the Lake. Small boats will convey parties upon fishing excursions to the Bay and elsewhere. Bowling saloons, and other means of amusements will be added to the natural attractions of the place, which cannot fail to render this a popular resort. Pleasure parties will now find that Mr. Jerome Snow, the Proprietor, has accommodations to render them both comfortable and happy. No Hotel in the country is better provided with appropriate and handsome furniture. And we had abundant occasion to think well of his cuisne,- having had the honor of participating with the plank road company and a few of their friends, in a petite souper at the Lake House. We believe that when the house nd the landlord have become known to the public, the Lake House will be as attractive as a gold mine.

The Officers of the Plank Road Co. are Maj. John Williams, President, John Eaton, Esq., Secy., Geo. L. Whitney, Treasurer. The remainder of the Stockholders are Messrs. George Lattee and Wm. Rankin, of Greece, Jas. C. Campbell, CApt. Van Cleve, J.H. Goodman and James Whitney.

Messrs. J. Eaton & CO., formerly of Sackets Harbor. have purchased property at Charlotte, and have commenced erecting docks along the pier, some three hundred feet in length. The old warehouses will be repaired and every effort made to attract shipping trade to this point. As an item of business done here, we will mention, that Messrs. F. and Co. have received consignments of some 500 tons of pig iron during the season. which has been purchased at the St. Lawrence and Ontario iron foundries. We see no reason why Charlotte should not feel the influence of a new impulse. That it is likely to, is evinced by the increase in the value of real estate which has recently taken place in the vicinity. Property which has been in market for 20 or 30 years in now held at a decidedly fancy value, This same feeling is perceptible along the whole line of the plank road. Holders of real estate refuse many of them to part with their land at any price. and the average valuation is not below $75 per acre. We shall be surprised , if in the course of a few years, this route is not studded with handsome farm-houses and gentleman's country seats. Let the first pleasant day be devoted to a drive over this new road, and our citizens will be surprised at the change which has already been made in the appearance of things at Charlotte and along the road. They will see at once, also, what an immense advantage it would be to the city, to have ten or more miles of plank - road leading into the country in all directions.